Restitution - Linge de Ré

For owners and guests on the Ile de Ré who have used our linen rental, you must return it directly to our drive at the end of your stay.

The return date are generally agreed upon linen booking and when signing the preliminary estimate.

Following the return, we will be cleaning, drying and ironing linen for your future orders or those of other vacationers.

  • Your loyalty is rewarded:
  • Every 20 sets ordered, Linge de Ré offers you 2 sets for free
  • Every 100 sets ordered, Linge de Ré offers you 14 sets for free

For any questions or further information, please contact us via the order / contact form: linen rental on the ile de Ré.

Our network of local partners:

"Linge de Ré" is a local service provided by "Clés de Ré" for vacationers, owners and guests, and has a network of local partners, especially: